Your Fat Brain

January 8, 2019
Dr. Jeremy Flagel
Your Fat Brain

The Confusion About Fat

It’s easy to be confused about fat. Let me simplify it for you. The type of fat you consume is much more important than the amount! Fat makes up the structure of your brain and the type of fat you choose to construct it with can impact how it functions. Evidence suggests that the anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats (especially EPA and DHA found in fish) help one’s brain function more fluidly, and deficiencies have been implicated in depression, anxiety, ADHD, and even schizophrenia.

Managing The Omegas

The more inflammatory Omega-6 fats aren’t your nemesis, but current science tells us that a ratio of Omega-6:Omega-3 should be 3-4:1 to operate optimally for most people. The current standard American diet usually creates a ratio of 20-30:1 instead leading to decreased neuronal functioning and higher inflammatory states, both of which are troubling for your brain!


The second point for today is about cholesterol. Long vilified as the enemy to our cardiac health, the story is more complicated. Low cholesterol, that’s right, low, has been associated with increased irritability, anger, and explosive behavior. It is a crucial component to the health of your neurons!

I often recommend fish oil as a supplement, but you can get the same benefits by eating wild-caught salmon a couple times a week. For cooking oil, try avocado oil or coconut oil which don’t break down in heat as quickly as olive oil.

Your brain thanks you!

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